symlink(2) 맨 페이지 - 윈디하나의 솔라나라


맨 페이지 이름


symlink(2)                       System Calls                       symlink(2)

       symlink, symlinkat - make a symbolic link to a file

       #include <unistd.h>

       int symlink(const char *path1, const char *path2);

       int symlinkat(const char *path1, int fd, const char *path2);

       The symlink() function creates a symbolic link path2 to the file path1.
       Either name may be an arbitrary pathname, the files need not be on  the
       same file system, and path1 may be non-existent.

       The  file  to  which  the  symbolic link points is used when an open(2)
       operation is performed on the link. A stat() operation performed  on  a
       symbolic  link  returns  the linked-to file, while an lstat() operation
       returns information about the  link  itself.  See  stat(2).  Unexpected
       results may occur when a symbolic link is made to a directory. To avoid
       confusion in applications, the readlink(2) call can be used to read the
       contents of a symbolic link.

       The symlinkat() function is equivalent to the symlink() function except
       in the case where path2 specifies a relative path.  In  this  case  the
       symbolic  link is created relative to the directory associated with the
       file descriptor fd instead of the current  working  directory.  If  the
       file  descriptor  was  opened  without  O_SEARCH,  the  function checks
       whether directory searches are permitted using the current  permissions
       of the directory underlying the file descriptor. If the file descriptor
       was opened with O_SEARCH, the function does not perform the check.

       If symlinkat() is passed the special value AT_FDCWD in the  fd  parame‐
       ter,  the current working directory is used and the behavior is identi‐
       cal to a call to symlink().

       Upon successful completion, 0 is returned. Otherwise, −1  is  returned,
       errno is set to indicate the error, and the symbolic link is not made.

       The symlink() and symlinkat() functions will fail if:

       EACCES          Write  permission  is denied in the directory where the
                       symbolic link is being created, or search permission is
                       denied for a component of the path prefix of path2.

       EDQUOT          The directory where the entry for the new symbolic link
                       is being placed cannot be extended because  the  user's
                       quota  of  disk  blocks  on  that  file system has been
                       exhausted; the new  symbolic  link  cannot  be  created
                       because  the  user's  quota of disk blocks on that file
                       system has been  exhausted;  or  the  user's  quota  of
                       inodes  on the file system where the file is being cre‐
                       ated has been exhausted.

       EEXIST          The file referred to by path2 already exists.

       EFAULT          The path1  or  path2  argument  points  to  an  illegal

       EILSEQ          The  path argument includes non-UTF8 characters and the
                       file system accepts only file names where  all  charac‐
                       ters are part of the UTF-8 character codeset.

       EIO             An  I/O  error  occurs while reading from or writing to
                       the file system.

       ELOOP           Too many symbolic links are encountered in  translating

       ENAMETOOLONG    The  length  of the path2 argument exceeds PATH_MAX, or
                       the length of a path2 component exceeds NAME_MAX  while
                       _POSIX_NO_TRUNC is in effect.

                       This  error  can  also be returned if the length of the
                       path1 argument exceeds SYMLINK_MAX.

       ENOENT          A component of the path prefix of path2 does not exist.

       ENOSPC          The directory in which the entry for the  new  symbolic
                       link  is  being  placed  cannot  be extended because no
                       space is left on the file system containing the  direc‐
                       tory;  the  new symbolic link cannot be created because
                       no space is left on the file system which will  contain
                       the  link; or there are no free inodes on the file sys‐
                       tem on which the file is being created.

       ENOSYS          The file system does not support symbolic links.

       ENOTDIR         A component of the path prefix of path2 is not a direc‐

       EROFS           The file path2 would reside on a read-only file system.

       The symlinkat() function will fail if:

       EACCES    fd  was  not  opened with O_SEARCH and the permissions of the
                 directory underlying fd do not permit directory searches.

       EBADF     The path2 argument does not specify an absolute path and  the
                 fd  argument  is neither AT_FDCWD nor a valid file descriptor
                 open for reading or searching.

       The symlink() and symlinkat() functions may fail if:

       ELOOP           More than {SYMLOOP_MAX} symbolic links were encountered
                       during resolution of the path2 argument.

       ENAMETOOLONG    The  length of the path2 argument exceeds {PATH_MAX} or
                       pathname resolution of a symbolic  link  in  the  path2
                       argument  produced an intermediate result with a length
                       that exceeds {PATH_MAX}.

       The symlinkat() function may fail if:

       ENOTDIR    The path2 argument is not an absolute path and fd is neither
                  AT_FDCWD nor a file descriptor associated with a directory

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       tab()  box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
       TRIBUTE  VALUE  _  Interface  StabilityCommitted  _  StandardSee  stan‐
       dards(7).  _ MT-LevelAsync-Signal-Safe

       cp(1), link(2), open(2), readlink(2), stat(2), unlink(2), attributes(7)

Oracle Solaris 11.4               13 Jun 2018                       symlink(2)
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