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fpathconf(2) System Calls fpathconf(2)
fpathconf, pathconf - get configurable pathname variables
#include <unistd.h>
long fpathconf(int fildes, int name);
long pathconf(const char *path, int name);
The fpathconf() and pathconf() functions determine the current value of
a configurable limit or option ( variable ) that is associated with a
file or directory.
For pathconf(), the path argument points to the pathname of a file or
For fpathconf(), the fildes argument is an open file descriptor.
The name argument represents the variable to be queried relative to
that file or directory. The variables in the following table come from
<limits.h> or <unistd.h> and the symbolic constants, defined in
<unistd.h>, are the corresponding values used for name:
tab() box; cw(2.14i) |cw(2.15i) |cw(1.21i) lw(2.14i) |lw(2.15i)
|lw(1.21i) VariableValue of nameNotes _ {ACL_ENABLED}_PC_ACL_ENABLED10
1. If path or fildes refers to a directory, the value returned
applies to the directory itself.
2. If path or fildes does not refer to a terminal file, it is
unspecified whether an implementation supports an associa‐
tion of the variable name with the specified file.
3. If path or fildes refers to a directory, the value returned
applies to filenames within the directory.
4. If path or fildes does not refer to a directory, it is
unspecified whether an implementation supports an associa‐
tion of the variable name with the specified file.
5. If path or fildes refers to a directory, the value returned
is the maximum length of a relative pathname when the speci‐
fied directory is the working directory.
6. If path refers to a FIFO, or fildes refers to a pipe or
FIFO, the value returned applies to the referenced object.
If path or fildes refers to a directory, the value returned
applies to any FIFO that exists or can be created within the
directory. If path or fildes refers to any other type of
file, it is unspecified whether an implementation supports
an association of the variable name with the specified file.
7. If path or fildes refers to a directory, the value returned
applies to any files, other than directories, that exist or
can be created within the directory.
8. If path or fildes refers to a directory, it is unspecified
whether an implementation supports an association of the
variable name with the specified file.
9. If path or fildes refers to a directory, the value returned
is the maximum length of the string that a symbolic link in
that directory can contain.
10. If path or fildes refers to a file or directory in a file
system that supports ACLs, the value returned is the bitwise
inclusive OR of the following flags associated with ACL
types supported by the file system; otherwise 0 is returned.
_ACL_ACE_ENABLED The file system supports ACE ACLs.
_ACL_ACLENT_ENABLED The file system supports UFS aclent
11. If a filesystem supports the reporting of holes (see
lseek(2), pathconf() and fpathconf() return a positive num‐
ber that represents the minimum hole size returned in bytes.
The offsets of holes returned will be aligned to this same
value. A special value of 1 is returned if the filesystem
does not specify the minimum hole size but still reports
12. If path or fildes refers to a directory and the file system
in which the directory resides supports access filtering, a
non-zero value is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
If name is an invalid value, both pathconf() and fpathconf() return −1
and errno is set to indicate the error.
If the variable corresponding to name has no limit for the path or file
descriptor, both pathconf() and fpathconf() return −1 without changing
errno. If pathconf() needs to use path to determine the value of name
and pathconf() does not support the association of name with the file
specified by path, or if the process did not have appropriate privi‐
leges to query the file specified by path, or path does not exist,
pathconf() returns −1 and errno is set to indicate the error.
If fpathconf() needs to use fildes to determine the value of name and
fpathconf() does not support the association of name with the file
specified by fildes, or if fildes is an invalid file descriptor, fpath‐
conf() returns −1 and errno is set to indicate the error.
Otherwise pathconf() or fpathconf() returns the current variable value
for the file or directory without changing errno. The value returned
will not be more restrictive than the corresponding value available to
the application when it was compiled with <limits.h> or <unistd.h>.
The pathconf() function will fail if:
EINVAL The value of name is not valid.
ELOOP A loop exists in symbolic links encountered during resolution
of the path argument.
The fpathconf() function will fail if:
EINVAL The value of name is not valid.
The pathconf() function may fail if:
EACCES Search permission is denied for a component of the path
EINVAL An association of the variable name with the specified
file is not supported.
ENAMETOOLONG The length of the path argument exceeds {PATH_MAX} or a
pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX}.
ENAMETOOLONG As a result of encountering a symbolic link in resolu‐
tion of the path argument, the length of the substi‐
tuted pathname string exceeded {PATH_MAX}.
ENOENT A component of path does not name an existing file or
path is an empty string.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix is not a directory.
The fpathconf() function may fail if:
EBADF The fildes argument is not a valid file descriptor.
EINVAL An association of the variable name with the specified file
is not supported.
The {SYMLINK_MAX} variable applies only to the fpathconf() function.
See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:
tab() box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
TRIBUTE VALUE _ Interface StabilityCommitted _ MT-LevelAsync-Signal-
Safe _ StandardSee standards(7).
lseek(2), confstr(3C), sysconf(3C), limits.h(3HEAD), attributes(7),
Oracle Solaris 11.4 1 June 2016 fpathconf(2)