mkmsgs(1) 맨 페이지 - 윈디하나의 솔라나라


맨 페이지 이름


mkmsgs(1)                        User Commands                       mkmsgs(1)

       mkmsgs - create message files for use by gettxt

       mkmsgs [-o] [-i locale] inputstrings msgfile

       The mkmsgs utility is used to create a file of text strings that can be
       accessed using  the  text  retrieval  tools  gettxt(1),  exstr(1),  and
       gettxt(3C). It will take as input a file of text strings for a particu‐
       lar geographic locale (see setlocale(3C)) and create  a  file  of  text
       strings  in  a  format that can be retrieved by both gettxt(1) and get‐
       txt(3C). By using the -i option, you can install the created file under
       the  /usr/lib/locale/locale/LC_MESSAGES  directory, where locale corre‐
       sponds to the language in which the text strings are written.

       inputstrings is the name of the file that contains  the  original  text
       strings. msgfile is the name of the output file where mkmsgs writes the
       strings in a format that is readable by gettxt(1) and  gettxt(3C).  The
       name  of msgfile can be up to 14 characters in length, but may not con‐
       tain either \0 (null) or the ASCII code for / (slash) or : (colon).

       The input file contains a set of text strings for the  particular  geo‐
       graphic locale. Text strings are separated by a newline character. Non‐
       graphic characters must be represented as alphabetic escape  sequences.
       Messages  are  transformed and copied sequentially from inputstrings to
       msgfile. To generate an empty message in msgfile, leave an  empty  line
       at the correct place in inputstrings.

       Strings  can  be  changed  simply by editing the file inputstrings. New
       strings must be added only at the end of the file; then a  new  msgfile
       file must be created and installed in the correct place. If this proce‐
       dure is not followed, the retrieval function will  retrieve  the  wrong
       string and software compatibility will be broken.

       The following options are supported:

       -o           Overwrite msgfile, if it exists.

       -i locale    Install  msgfile in the /usr/lib/locale/locale/LC_MESSAGES
                    directory. Only someone with  appropriate  privileges  can
                    create  or  overwrite files in this directory. Directories
                    under /usr/lib/locale will  be  created  if  they  do  not

       Example 1 Using the mkmsgs command.

       The following example shows an input message source file C.str:

         File %s:\t cannot be opened\n
         %s: Bad directory\n
         write error\n

       Example  2  Using  Input Strings From C.str to Create Text Strings in a

       The following command uses the input strings from C.str to create  text
       strings  in the appropriate format in the file UX in the current direc‐

         example% mkmsgs C.str UX

       Example 3 Using Input Strings From FR.str to Create Text Strings  in  a

       The following command uses the input strings from FR.str to create text
       strings in the appropriate format in  the  file  UX  in  the  directory

         example% mkmsgs -i fr FR.str UX

       These  text  strings  would  be accessed if you had set the environment
       variable LC_MESSAGES=fr and then invoked  one  of  the  text  retrieval
       tools listed at the beginning of the DESCRIPTION section.


           message files created by mkmsgs for the locale locale

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       tab()  box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
       TRIBUTE VALUE _ Availabilitytext/locale

       exstr(1), gettxt(1), setlocale(3C), gettxt(3C), attributes(7)

Oracle Solaris 11.4               3 Nov 2021                         mkmsgs(1)
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