gencat(1) 맨 페이지 - 윈디하나의 솔라나라


맨 페이지 이름


gencat(1)                        User Commands                       gencat(1)

       gencat - generate a formatted message catalog

       gencat catfile msgfile...

       The  gencat command merges the message text source file(s) msgfile into
       a formatted message database catfile. The database catfile  is  created
       if  it  does not already exist. If catfile does exist, its messages are
       included in the new catfile. If set and message  numbers  collide,  the
       new  message-text defined in msgfile replaces the old message text cur‐
       rently contained in catfile. The message text source file  (or  set  of
       files)  input  to  gencat can contain either set and message numbers or
       simply  message  numbers,  in  which  case   the   set   NL_SETD   (see
       nl_types.h(3HEAD)) is assumed.

   Message Text Source File Format
       The  format  of  a message text source file is defined as follows. Note
       that the fields of a message text source line are separated by a single
       ASCII  space  or tab character. Any other ASCII spaces or tabs are con‐
       sidered as part of the subsequent field.

       $set n comment       Where n specifies the set identifier of  the  fol‐
                            lowing  messages  until the next $set, $delset, or
                            end-of-file appears. n must be  a  number  in  the
                            range  (1-{NL_SETMAX}).  Set  identifiers within a
                            single source file need  not  be  contiguous.  Any
                            string  following the set identifier is treated as
                            a comment. If no $set directive is specified in  a
                            message text source file, all messages are located
                            in the default message set NL_SETD.

       $delset n comment    Deletes message set n  from  an  existing  message
                            catalog.  Any  string  following the set number is
                            treated as a comment. (Note: if n is not  a  valid
                            set it is ignored.)

       $comment             A  line  beginning with a dollar symbol $ followed
                            by an ASCII space or tab character is treated as a

       m message-text       The  m denotes the message identifier, a number in
                            the range  (1-{NL_MSGMAX}).  The  message-text  is
                            stored in the message catalog with the set identi‐
                            fier specified by the  last  $set  directive,  and
                            with  message identifier m. If the message-text is
                            empty, and an ASCII space or tab  field  separator
                            is  present, an empty string is stored in the mes‐
                            sage catalog. If a message source line has a  mes‐
                            sage  number,  but  neither  a field separator nor
                            message-text, the existing message with that  num‐
                            ber  (if any) is deleted from the catalog. Message
                            identifiers need not be contiguous. The length  of
                            message-text     must     be    in    the    range

       $quote c             This line specifies an optional quote character c,
                            which can be used to surround message-text so that
                            trailing spaces or null (empty) messages are visi‐
                            ble in a message source line. By default, or if an
                            empty $quote directive is supplied, no quoting  of
                            message-text will be recognized.

       Empty lines in a message text source file are ignored.

       Text  strings  can  contain the special characters and escape sequences
       defined in the following table:

       tab() box; lw(1.83i) lw(1.83i) lw(1.83i) DescriptionSymbolSequence new‐
       lineNL(LF)\n horizontal tabHT\t vertical tabVT\v backspaceBS\b carriage
       returnCR\r form feedFF \f backslash\\\ bit patternddd\ddd

       The escape sequence \ddd consists of backslash followed by 1,  2  or  3
       octal digits, which are taken to specify the value of the desired char‐
       acter. If the character following a backslash is not one of those spec‐
       ified, the backslash is ignored.

       Backslash  followed  by an ASCII newline character is also used to con‐
       tinue a string on the following line. Thus,  the  following  two  lines
       describe a single message string:

         1 This line continues \
         to the next line

       which is equivalent to:

             1 This line continues to the next line

       The following operands are supported:

       catfile    A path name of the formatted message catalog. If − is speci‐
                  fied, standard output is used.

       msgfile    A path name of a message text source file. If − is specified
                  for an instance of msgfile, standard input is used. The for‐
                  mat of message text source files is defined in Message  Text
                  Source File Format.

       See  environ(7) for descriptions of the following environment variables
       that affect the execution of gencat: LANG,  LC_ALL,  LC_CTYPE,  LC_MES‐
       SAGES, and NLSPATH.

       The following exit values are returned:

       0     Successful completion.

       >0    An error occurred.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       tab()  box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
       TRIBUTE VALUE _ Availabilitytext/locale _ CSIenabled _  Interface  Sta‐
       bilityCommitted _ StandardSee standards(7).

       mkmsgs(1),  catgets(3C),  catopen(3C),  gettxt(3C),  nl_types.h(3HEAD),
       attributes(7), environ(7), standards(7)

Oracle Solaris 11.4               1 Feb 1995                         gencat(1)
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