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keytables(5)                     File Formats                     keytables(5)

       keytables - keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys

       These  files  are  used by loadkeys(1) to modify the translation tables
       used by the keyboard streams module and generated from  those  transla‐
       tion tables. See loadkeys(1).

       Any  line  in the file beginning with # is a comment, and is ignored. #
       is treated specially only at the beginning of a line.

       Other lines specify the values to load into the tables for a particular
       keystation. The format is either:

         key number list_of_entries


         swap number1 with number2


         key number1 same as number2

       or a blank line, which is ignored.

         key number list_of_entries

       sets the entries for keystation number from the list given. An entry in
       that list is of the form

         tablename code

       where tablename is the name of a particular translation table, or  all.
       The translation tables are:

       base     entry when no shifts are active

       shift    entry when "Shift" key is down

       caps     entry when "Caps Lock" is in effect

       ctrl     entry when "Control" is down

       altg     entry when "Alt Graph" is down

       numl     entry when "Num Lock" is in effect

       up       entry when a key goes up

       All  tables other than up refer to the action generated when a key goes
       down. Entries in the up table are used only for shift keys,  since  the
       shift  in question goes away when the key goes up, except for keys such
       as "Caps Lock" or "Num Lock"; the keyboard streams module makes the key
       look as if it were a latching key.

       A  table  name of all indicates that the entry for all tables should be
       set to the specified value, with the following exception:  for  entries
       with  a  value  other than hole, the entry for the numl table should be
       set to nonl, and the entry for the up table should be set to nop.

       The code specifies the effect of the key in question when the specified
       shift key is down. A code consists of either:

           o      A  character,  which  indicates that the key should generate
                  the given character. The character can either  be  a  single
                  character,  a single character preceded by ^ which refers to
                  a "control character" (for instance, ^c is control-C), or  a
                  C-style  character constant enclosed in single quote charac‐
                  ters  ('),  which  can  be  expressed  with  C-style  escape
                  sequences such as \r for RETURN or \000 for the null charac‐
                  ter. Note that the single character may be any character  in
                  an 8-bit character set, such as ISO 8859/1.

           o      A  string,  consisting  of  a list of characters enclosed in
                  double quote characters ("). Note that the use of the double
                  quote  character  means  that a code of double quote must be
                  enclosed in single quotes.

           o      One of the following expressions:


                      the key is to be the left-hand "Shift" key


                      the key is to be the right-hand "Shift" key


                      the key is to be the left-hand "Control" key


                      the key is to be the right-hand "Control" key


                      the key is to be the "Alt" shift key


                      the key is to be the "Alt Graph" shift key


                      the key is to be the "Caps Lock" key


                      the key is to be the "Shift Lock" key


                      the key is to be the "Num Lock" key


                      the key is to be the "Stop" key


                      the key is to be the "meta" key.  This  is  usually  the
                      "diamond" key on a Sun keyboard.


                      the key is to be the "Compose" key


                      on the "VT100" keyboard, the key is to transmit the con‐
                      trol-Q character (this would be the entry  for  the  "Q"
                      key in the ctrl table)


                      on the "VT100" keyboard, the key is to transmit the con‐
                      trol-S character (this would be the entry  for  the  "S"
                      key in the ctrl table)


                      on  the  "VT100"  keyboard,  the  key  is  to be the "No
                      Scroll" key


                      the key is to be the "up arrow" key


                      the key is to be the "down arrow" key


                      the key is to be the "left arrow" key


                      the key is to be the "right arrow" key


                      the key is to be the "home" key


                      the key is to be the acute accent "floating accent" key


                      the key is to be the cedilla "floating accent" key


                      the key is to be the circumflex "floating accent" key


                      the key is to be the grave accent "floating accent" key


                      the key is to be the tilde "floating accent" key


                      the key is to be the umlaut "floating accent" key


                      this is used only in the Num Lock table; the key is  not
                      to be affected by the state of Num Lock


                      the key is to be the "0" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "1" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "2" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "3" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "4" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "5" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "6" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "7" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "8" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "9" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "." key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "Enter" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "+" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "−" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "*" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "/" key on the numeric keypad


                      the key is to be the "=" key on the numeric keypad


                      the  key is to be the "," (separator) key on the numeric


                      the key is to be the left-hand function key n


                      the key is to be the right-hand function key n


                      the key is to be the top function key n


                      the key is to be the "bottom" function key n


                      the key is to do nothing


                      this code indicates an internal error; to be  used  only
                      for keystation 126, and must be used there


                      this  code indicates that the keyboard is idle (that is,
                      has no keys down); to be used only for all entries other
                      than  the  numl and up table entries for keystation 127,
                      and must be used there


                      this key exists, but its action is not defined;  it  has
                      the same effect as nop


                      this  code  indicates  that  the  keyboard has just been
                      reset; to be used  only  for  the  up  table  entry  for
                      keystation 127, and must be used there.

                  swap number1 with number2

                      exchanges  the  entries for keystations number1 and num‐

                  key number1 same as number2

                      sets the entries for keystation number1 to be  the  same
                      as  those  for  keystation number2. If the file does not
                      specify entries for keystation number2, the entries cur‐
                      rently  in  the  translation table are used; if the file
                      does  specify  entries  for  keystation  number2,  those
                      entries are used.

       Example 1 Example of setting multiple keystations.

       The  following  entry  sets  keystation  15 to be a "hole" (that is, an
       entry indicating that there is no keystation 15); sets keystation 30 to
       do nothing when Alt Graph is down, generate "!" when Shift is down, and
       generate "1" under all other circumstances; and sets keystation  76  to
       be the left-hand Control key.

         key 15   all hole
         key 30   base 1 shift ! caps 1 ctrl 1 altg nop
         key 76   all shiftkeys+leftctrl up shiftkeys+leftctrl

       Example 2 Exchange DELETE and BACKSPACE keys

       The  following  entry  exchanges  the Delete and Back Space keys on the
       Type 4 keyboard:

         swap 43 with 66

       Keystation 43 is normally the Back Space key, and keystation 66 is nor‐
       mally the Delete key.

       Example 3 Disable CAPS LOCK key

       The  following  entry disables the Caps Lock key on the Type 3 and U.S.
       Type 4 keyboards:

         key 119 all nop

       Example 4 Standard translation tables for the U.S. Type 4 keyboard

       The following specifies the standard translation tables  for  the  U.S.
       Type 4 keyboard:

         key 0    all hole
         key 1    all buckybits+systembit up buckybits+systembit
         key 2    all hole
         key 3    all lf(2)
         key 4    all hole
         key 5    all tf(1)
         key 6    all tf(2)
         key 7    all tf(10)
         key 8    all tf(3)
         key 9    all tf(11)
         key 10   all tf(4)
         key 11   all tf(12)
         key 12   all tf(5)
         key 13   all shiftkeys+altgraph up shiftkeys+altgraph
         key 14   all tf(6)
         key 15   all hole
         key 16   all tf(7)
         key 17   all tf(8)
         key 18   all tf(9)
         key 19   all shiftkeys+alt up shiftkeys+alt
         key 20   all hole
         key 21   all rf(1)
         key 22   all rf(2)
         key 23   all rf(3)
         key 24   all hole
         key 25   all lf(3)
         key 26   all lf(4)
         key 27   all hole
         key 28   all hole
         key 29   all ^[
         key 30   base 1 shift ! caps 1 ctrl 1 altg nop
         key 31   base 2 shift @ caps 2 ctrl ^@ altg nop
         key 32   base 3 shift # caps 3 ctrl 3 altg nop
         key 33   base 4 shift $ caps 4 ctrl 4 altg nop
         key 34   base 5 shift % caps 5 ctrl 5 altg nop
         key 35   base 6 shift ^ caps 6 ctrl ^^ altg nop
         key 36   base 7 shift & caps 7 ctrl 7 altg nop
         key 37   base 8 shift * caps 8 ctrl 8 altg nop
         key 38   base 9 shift ( caps 9 ctrl 9 altg nop
         key 39   base 0 shift ) caps 0 ctrl 0 altg nop
         key 40   base - shift _ caps - ctrl ^_ altg nop
         key 41   base = shift + caps = ctrl = altg nop
         key 42   base ` shift ~ caps ` ctrl ^^ altg nop
         key 43   all '\b'
         key 44   all hole
         key 45   all rf(4) numl padequal
         key 46   all rf(5) numl padslash
         key 47   all rf(6) numl padstar
         key 48   all bf(13)
         key 49   all lf(5)
         key 50   all bf(10) numl padequal
         key 51   all lf(6)
         key 52   all hole
         key 53   all '\t'
         key 54   base q shift Q caps Q ctrl ^Q altg nop
         key 55   base w shift W caps W ctrl ^W altg nop
         key 56   base e shift E caps E ctrl ^E altg nop
         key 57   base r shift R caps R ctrl ^R altg nop
         key 58   base t shift T caps T ctrl ^T altg nop
         key 59   base y shift Y caps Y ctrl ^Y altg nop
         key 60   base u shift U caps U ctrl ^U altg nop
         key 61   base i shift I caps I ctrl '\t' altg nop
         key 62   base o shift O caps O ctrl ^O altg nop
         key 63   base p shift P caps P ctrl ^P altg nop
         key 64   base [ shift { caps [ ctrl ^[ altg nop
         key 65   base ] shift } caps ] ctrl ^] altg nop
         key 66   all '\177'
         key 67   all compose
         key 68   all rf(7) numl pad7
         key 69   all rf(8) numl pad8
         key 70   all rf(9) numl pad9
         key 71   all bf(15) numl padminus
         key 72   all lf(7)
         key 73   all lf(8)
         key 74   all hole
         key 75   all hole
         key 76   all shiftkeys+leftctrl up shiftkeys+leftctrl
         key 77   base a shift A caps A ctrl ^A altg nop
         key 78   base s shift S caps S ctrl ^S altg nop
         key 79   base d shift D caps D ctrl ^D altg nop
         key 80   base f shift F caps F ctrl ^F altg nop
         key 81   base g shift G caps G ctrl ^G altg nop
         key 82   base h shift H caps H ctrl '\b' altg nop
         key 83   base j shift J caps J ctrl '\n' altg nop
         key 84   base k shift K caps K ctrl '\v' altg nop
         key 85   base l shift L caps L ctrl ^L altg nop
         key 86   base ; shift : caps ; ctrl ; altg nop
         key 87   base '\'' shift '"' caps '\'' ctrl '\'' altg nop
         key 88   base '\\' shift | caps '\\' ctrl ^\ altg nop
         key 89   all '\r'
         key 90   all bf(11) numl padenter
         key 91   all rf(10) numl pad4
         key 92   all rf(11) numl pad5
         key 93   all rf(12) numl pad6
         key 94   all bf(8) numl pad0
         key 95   all lf(9)
         key 96   all hole
         key 97   all lf(10)
         key 98   all shiftkeys+numlock
         key 99   all shiftkeys+leftshift up shiftkeys+leftshift
         key 100  base z shift Z caps Z ctrl ^Z altg nop
         key 101  base x shift X caps X ctrl ^X altg nop
         key 102  base c shift C caps C ctrl ^C altg nop
         key 103  base v shift V caps V ctrl ^V altg nop
         key 104  base b shift B caps B ctrl ^B altg nop
         key 105  base n shift N caps N ctrl ^N altg nop
         key 106  base m shift M caps M ctrl '\r' altg nop
         key 107  base , shift < caps , ctrl , altg nop
         key 108  base . shift > caps . ctrl . altg nop
         key 109  base / shift ? caps / ctrl ^_ altg nop
         key 110  all shiftkeys+rightshift up shiftkeys+rightshift
         key 111  all '\n'
         key 112  all rf(13) numl pad1
         key 113  all rf(14) numl pad2
         key 114  all rf(15) numl pad3
         key 115  all hole
         key 116  all hole
         key 117  all hole
         key 118  all lf(16)
         key 119  all shiftkeys+capslock
         key 120  all buckybits+metabit up buckybits+metabit
         key 121  base ' ' shift ' ' caps ' ' ctrl ^@ altg ' '
         key 122  all buckybits+metabit up buckybits+metabit
         key 123  all hole
         key 124  all hole
         key 125  all bf(14) numl padplus
         key 126  all error numl error up hole
         key 127  all idle numl idle up reset


Oracle Solaris 11.4               27 Nov 2017                     keytables(5)
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