sched_setscheduler(3c) 맨 페이지 - 윈디하나의 솔라나라


맨 페이지 이름


Standard C Library Functions                            sched_setscheduler(3C)

       sched_setscheduler - set scheduling policy and scheduling parameters

       #include <sched.h>

       int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy,
            const struct sched_param *param);

       The sched_setscheduler() function sets the scheduling policy and sched‐
       uling parameters of the process specified by  pid  to  policy  and  the
       parameters  specified in the sched_param structure pointed to by param,
       respectively. The value of the sched_priority member in the sched_param
       structure  is  any  integer within the inclusive priority range for the
       scheduling policy specified by policy. The  sched_setscheduler()  func‐
       tion  ignores  the  other  members of the sched_param structure. If the
       value of pid is negative,  the  behavior  of  the  sched_setscheduler()
       function is unspecified.

       The  possible values for the policy parameter are defined in the header
       <sched.h> (see sched.h(3HEAD)):

       If a process specified by pid exists and if  the  calling  process  has
       permission, the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters are set for
       the process whose process ID is equal to pid.  The  real  or  effective
       user  ID  of  the  calling  process  must match the real or saved (from
       exec(2)) user ID of the target process unless the effective user ID  of
       the calling process is 0. See Intro(2).

       If  pid  is  0, the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters are set
       for the calling process.

       To change the policy of any process to either of the real time policies
       SCHED_FIFO  or  SCHED_RR,  the  calling  process  must  either have the
       SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR policy or have an effective user ID of 0.

       The sched_setscheduler() function is considered successful if  it  suc‐
       ceeds in setting the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters of the
       process specified by pid to the values  specified  by  policy  and  the
       structure pointed to by param, respectively.

       Upon  successful completion, the function returns the former scheduling
       policy of the specified process. If the  sched_setscheduler()  function
       fails  to  complete  successfully, the policy and scheduling parameters
       remain unchanged, and the function returns −1 and sets errno  to  indi‐
       cate the error.

       The sched_setscheduler() function will fail if:

       EINVAL    The value of policy is invalid, or one or more of the parame‐
                 ters contained in param is outside the valid  range  for  the
                 specified scheduling policy.

       EPERM     The requesting process does not have permission to set either
                 or both of the scheduling parameters or the scheduling policy
                 of the specified process.

       ESRCH     No  process  can  be found corresponding to that specified by

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       tab() box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE  TYPEAT‐
       TRIBUTE  VALUE _ Interface StabilityCommitted _ MT-LevelMT-Safe _ Stan‐
       dardSee standards(7).

       priocntl(1),  exec(2),   Intro(2),   priocntl(2),   sched_getparam(3C),
       sched_get_priority_max(3C), sched_getscheduler(3C), sched_setparam(3C),
       sched.h(3HEAD), librt(3LIB), attributes(7), standards(7)

Oracle Solaris 11.4               13 Nov 2020           sched_setscheduler(3C)
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